after getting out of class, i looked at my phone and saw that i had a voicemail from my mom. i called her back and she asked if i could come home immediately so i could watch grandma. it turns out that shadow [our 9 month old bernese mountain dog sweetheart] ate something on her morning walk that made her throw up a whopping twelve times! so i headed home, then mom called again saying that she was just going to have to take grandma with her to the vet, since i wasn't home yet. shortly after i arrived home, they were back, and let me know that she was fine, but that she couldn't have anything to eat/drink [not even water] until 9a tomorrow morning, since they put an IV into the back of her neck and filled her with fluids! anyone who has a puppy knows that this is TORTURE for them! i feel really really bad for her, seeing as it's only been 4 hours without food so far -- she looks so hungry!
anyone who hasn't signed up for swappingtons yet - really really needs to do so, list one item, and refer me [madflowr], since IT REALLY DOES FUCKING PAY OFF! i'll get adult - resuscitation and minus the bear - highly refined pirates in the mail within the next week or so! swapping RULES!
last night i saw adaptation with dan
something i do like: being around cute drunk boys, especially if it involves dancing with them! OH, lilys, how i love thee...
oh these days (6:47:26 PM): i demand you take advantage of cute drunk boys
oh these days (6:47:33 PM): !!!
madflowr (6:48:59 PM): haha.
madflowr (6:49:00 PM): ALRIGHT!
oh these days (6:49:46 PM): YOU HAVE YR MISSION
madflowr (6:53:53 PM): yay!
super happy fun note of the day: MISS JENNY