please don't answer if you don't drool over vinyl.
i'm sure i'll make another fun poll soon.</b>
is it wrong to start liking someone because of their record collection?
have you ever liked someone (at least partially) because of their record collection?
is there a single 7"/10"/LP/flexi-disc that you have been searching a long time for?
if you answered 'yes' to the above question, what is/are that/those record/records?
what record labels make you melty?
have you ever bought doubles of records you already own?
have you ever lost records because of a break up? if so, which one(s)?
have you ever got to keep an ex's records because of a break up? if so, which ones?
is there a particular 7" that reminds you of a time you were in a relationship that has now ended? if so, which 7" was it?
after you make someone you are dating a mixtape and you break up, are those songs off limits for future mixtapes to future significant others?