you can't really tell, but it looked pretty bad:

here it is looking a million times better after we put on the cover:

a happy boo:

oh yeah, i also got us pillows to go on it. one is audrey hepburn and the other is woody allen. i special ordered them on etsy. there is a slight dark spot on her face and i am kind of let down about that, but otherwise, they do look pretty cool.
tonight i ate dinner with kris, nate and joe swanberg's two brothers at sweets & savories. z is about to make us a monkey bread since he is making another one for work. after dinner ginny and i went to target (me in search of tins to bring cookies to work in and her for cat food). where are all the tins, target? only a selection of like maybe 7 to choose from. last year i could have sworn there was half an aisle devoted to them. oh well.
i am feeling pretty darn bad tonight. my nose is just draining draining draining and i'm hocking up all kinds of gross stuff. my headache is not as bad as yesterday but still is lingering. i hate hate hate feeling gross. :(