she speaks in song lyrics (madflowr) wrote,
she speaks in song lyrics

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CALL FOR HELP: my roommate rani's cat tigger needs your help.

i threw together a website to raise money for my the leg amputation operation that my rommmate rani's cat tigger needs. tigger is as sweet as pie, has the cutest little mew, is always curling up with guests of our apartment, and he has the hugest eyes i've ever seen a cat have. i'd suggest that anyone who can afford to please paypal her at least $5. it's the cost of a good beer or most 7" records. we've all been in bad places monetarily before and being stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to a beloved pet who's grown up with you, it sucks. i also want to add that any artists/crafters/musicians who can donate something handmade for an etsy auction or two that i'll put together, please contact me asap because i think that would be a good way to generate money for tigger as well. please re-post this wherever you wish. we're really trying to get the word out there. following is the myspace bulletin that rani sent out along with a link to the site that i put up for the cause:

URGENT!! Tigger and I need your help!!!
Body: Hey everyone,

I write this with a heavy heart as I have just found out that my cat, Tigger, has cancer and will have to have his leg amputated. It appears that the cancer has not spread yet, so it is very likely that once he has the surgery, he will live a long, happy life. The problem is I need to come up with approximately $3000 to covers his surgery and vet bills. I love this little guy more than anything and will do anything to save him.

Currently, I am taking donations to help cover these costs via Paypal. Please contribute anything you can afford, even if it is only a dollar or two. You can drink one less tall boy at the Top tonight, right? Also, by next week, I will be auctioning off my belongings on Ebay. I will be selling band and Threadless t's, my CD and record collection (with lots of rarities, including Sarah records stuff and early 90's britpop), and various other items. Please check back regularly as I will be adding new stuff daily.

Here is a link to his website with further details and a link to Paypal.

the wonderful things about Tigger

Seriously guys, any little bit helps. And please repost or forward this to any of your animal loving friends. Tigger and I thank you for your generosity.

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