she speaks in song lyrics (madflowr) wrote,
she speaks in song lyrics

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weekend warrrriorrrrrs

a mix of good/bad happenings, chronologically:

+ went bowling at lincoln square lanes with paul o., brendan and his new friend jeanne
- walked through germanfest in lincoln square - l'ame!
- my car was making really loud sounds while idling on the way back to my 'hood
+ ran into friendly neighbors
- went to a PACKED happy village and shortly after, left
+ finally went to black beetle, which was fun

+ went to a yard sale right off wicker park & bought an OTTOBAR shirt from a guy who said he had never been there, but just liked the way it looked
- my car died while driving to a furniture sale with ginny
+ decided mid-tow that we would take it to the honda dealer rather than pep boys at the urging of my towman
- i took the 70 bus back to wp and realized when i got home that they had not given me my keys back at the dealership
+ ginny came to the rescue with her keys thankfully because...
+ the movers came to pick up the armoire i sold last week; i think i might use them to move my big stuff as well
+/- ginny drove me to the dealership and i didn't even get a "sorry" from the guy who forgot to give them back to me
- a HUGE storm thwarted our plans to hit up a few yard sales
- not having a car made it impossible to get to lombard to danelle to drive to the kane county flea market but i'll go to a future one
+ i ended up getting picked up by paul b. and neethi and went to the hungry brain and later met up with paul's roomie, mark. CHEAP drinks aplenty were consumed and my friend michael picked me up and we went to hollywood grill where i sobered up by eating a turkey burger. i saw dolan with his girlfriend and we chatted a bit.

+ went to breakfast at flo on chicago; had the best green chicken enchiladas ever and it was totally worth the wait
+ ginny and i went to a few yard sales & snagged some awesome stuff, got snow cones from a street vendor, and bought a watermelon
- we came back, ravished only to find out that janik's subs and greek corner are BOTH closed on sundays; w the f!?
+ ginny and i went to see mysterious skin, the new gregg araki, which i really liked but i'm not sure if i would watch it again. the soundtrack was shoegazer approved, but it contained one of the most brutal rape scenes i've ever seen, right up there with 'fat girl'.
+ after the movie, we went to pars cove for persian food. It was delicious and the service was phenomenal!
+ i went back to paul's and finished watching 'bright future', FINALLY.

can you tell which was the best of my days? today i found out that the problem is indeed with my alternator and that it needs to be replaced which will cost $450 (parts & labor), but that they recommend my brake fluid be flushed and changed because it's supposed to be clear and it's the color of coffee. I AM CAR STUPID! i oked that as well since i decided i should get all that important stuff fixed in one go, so i don't have any surprises down the line. what are credit cards for? thank god, danimal mailed me his part of the security deposit for our new place which i plopped down awhile back. i am going to eat the bit of pars cove leftovers i have and read 'hairstyles of the damned', which is very good.

also, adam gets a big up for saying he would have lent me his car on sunday if i needed it to drive to lombard. he is a big hug like a berner! speaking of berners, they are popping up all over the place as an "it" dog. even bounty is using them to advertise their paper towels. like, wha?

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