A - AGE: 25.
B - BAND LISTENED TO MOST RECENTLY: 'misplaced pets' compilation (get it at tonevendor), with songs by: Homeland, Aarktica, Portal, Hood, Empress, Remote Viewer, Sufjan Stevens, etc.
C- CRUSH: a cute tall boy on the el this morning who i thought looked like a less gaunt stephen malkmus (i love that paul is not jealous of me thinking ppl are cuties, woo!).
D - DOG's NAME: shadow (or shadowface).
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: paul & natalia. yeah, hanging out with nat for over a week was awesome! our conversations ranged from mead to why 'hotel rwanda' was not nominated for best picture at the oscars, to her love life, to just everything!
F - FAVORITE BAND: RADIOHEAD, always. :) currently, i am pretty much still riding high after that hood show! god, they played (the) weight.
G - GUMMY: i used to love gummy things, but i stopped eating gelatin, so that rules them out. sigh.
H - HOMETOWN: alexandria, va.
I - INSTRUMENT: alto saxophone for 7 years. currently: nothing. aspiring to learn guitar.
J - JUICE: apple, orange, tangerine, strawberry banana, etc. i love juice!
K - KIDS: i love them and one day i'd like to adopt (i was adopted).
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: either alexandria, va to metarie, la -OR- alexandria, va to cocoa beach, fl (both when i was a passenger, not the driver)
M - MOM'S NAME: gay (yes, seriously).
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1 brother, aged 23.
O - ONE WISH: that all of my friends and family find true happiness one day.
P - PHOBIA(S): arachno (ungh).
Q - QUOTE: see my LJ userinfo for the rest: "Collect your broken dreams and MAKE IT ALL IMAGINARY. Your pile of records will save you forever."
R - REASON TO SMILE: 1) i see both JASON ANDERSON and my friend jeff tomorrow! 2) things might indeed start changing soon around my workplace. 3) i am wearing my new glasses!
S - SEXIEST FEATURE: me: my eyes & on others: their eyes.
T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: somewhere between 7:40 and 8:30 pretty much every day now. on the weekends (and some weekdays) i catch more zzzs though, while paul is out and about. hah!
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: i can be a voracious reader. i read gone with the wind (all 1,037 pages) in 3 days in the summer before 9th grade (i think that age is right).
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: brussel sprouts & asparagus; i can't get into them and i really have tried.
W - WORST HABIT(S): i used to be a terrible nail biter, but i stopped all that when i started taking public transportation to work and realized just how many people had touched the poles i touched. i still bite my nails if i get a hangnail or once in awhile if i'm watching a scary or tense movie.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: various teeth x-rays, ankle, and toe.
Y - YUCKY FOOD: see 'V', gelatin & also all meat and seafood (except for poultry).
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: taurus.