onwards to MAKE-OUT PARTY #6...it was amazing (i say amazing A LOT). i mean, seriously, amazing. almost everyone who said they would come out came out. the spiv didn't, not like i was really expecting him to, but he did take a pin, listened to me describe it, and tell me he would try to come. either way, the place was packed! i'd say somewhere around 150 showed up to the diver city house that night. the keg that was bought ended up being really expensive and since i flew to dc, i really had to re-coup the expenses i had from buying all the food that i did, but i still had money to pay out the bands. for the next event, i have to figure out a way that only those who donate get to drink, because the keg was tapped (again) by 11. a number of people overdonated and even the freakin' bands donated, but i believe i know who was responsible for drinking most of the keg and they didn't even put in a dime. yep, i'm kind of bitter because i would have liked to have paid the bands more than i ended up paying them.
the MIX CD / MIX TAPE SWAP was awesome! a total of THIRTY mixes got swapped, which is INCREDIBLE! i was kind of worried early on when there were only about 10 people who had put mixes in the box. i think that's something i need to work out next time too. i'm going to write a mix swap tutorial/faq type thing so that everyone makes some kind of an attempt at packaging their mix so that the people who spent hours designing theirs don't get jipped (sp?) and so that everyone has a way to at least figure out what songs are on a mix. anyways, it was great. i can't wait for the next one which is MAY 7TH! all the bands are booked. i'm still looking for one or two singer songwriters to play the next one though, so i'm going to wait until i have the entire bill set until i post it.
in leigh's reading news: as soon as i finished baby plays around, alex hooked me up with the new banana yoshimoto novella, hard boiled and hard luck and it's probable date of being pressed is JULY 2005! i pounced on it tuesday and i finished it last night. it's one of my lesser faves of her books, but there are some very heart-hitting passages that just blow me away. she has this way of sculpting words (i suppose that her translator is due some thanks; thanks!), that just wrap themselves around my head. re: baby plays around: EVERYONE WHO IS A MUSIC FIEND SHOULD READ THAT BOOK! holy heck, it was well written, name drops a hell of a lot of bands that I LOVE and yoinks, she even hangs out with brian tighe from the hang ups and talks about him BLUSHING, which i saw him do (albeit, years ago). this book is cheap on amazon marketplace. my copy was about a dollar. either way, seriously, read it. it was great. it parallels a girl's life as a drummer in a band just starting out with the relationship she has with her husband. so. very. good. enough talking, now i must eat.
just kidding! i'll write a few good things first:
encylopedia of an ordinary life - i'm about to start that
whole foods rice crispy treats
cancelling my ebay credit card finally
regenie's crunchy pita chips (bare naked)
the container store (oh, heart heart heart!)